Seppala Siberian Huskies

Siberian Huskies have over 3,000 years of lineages making them one of the oldest dog breeds in the world. The legendary sweetness of their temperament is no accident. Only family compatible dogs were part of the Chukchi village as a dog fight could lead to being stranded in the wilderness. In 1925, Leonhard Seppala and his Siberians came to national prominence, with the famous "Serum Run" that saved the city of Nome from a diphtheria epidemic.

Rainbow Bridge

We honor our dogs that have most recently crossed over. We miss you and feel your spirits every day in our hearts.


Eyes: Brown                Build: Light

Weight: 45 lbs             Position: Cheerleader

Parents: Mindu & Chinook

Siblings: Vocal, Koa, Mufasa, Kia, Mojo

Place of Birth: Indian Lake, Québec

Background: People call me "Cuddle Bug." I don't really run anymore because of health concerns. Most of the Ashbury junior school, knows me by name. I volunteer my time at other community events. I look foward to your belly massage skills.


Eyes: Blue                   Build: Medium

Weight: 55 lbs           Position: Team

Parents: Mindu & Chinook

Siblings: Cabela

Place of Birth: Indian Lake, Québec

Background: I'm one of the most dependable sled dogs in the kennel. My personality will win you over every time. I'm the "Watch Dog" of the entire kennel, alerting the pack to newcomers and wildlife (especially beavers). As a puppy, I would climb on top of Mama Mindu and howl.


Eyes: Blue                   Build: Light

Weight: 45 lbs             Position: Lead

Parents: Dakota & Storm

Siblings: Kahn

Place of Birth: Indian Lake, Québec

Background: I'm the kennel princess, everyone has a soft spot for my softness and amazing personality. You will probably have me as your lead dog because I'm never wrong! Ok, so sometimes the mushers are confused about directions, but that's a different story. My favorite trail is the Yellow! There are always deer and eagles to see!


Eyes: Blue & Brown    Build: Heavy

Weight: 65 lbs             Position: Wheel

Parents: Dakota & Storm

Siblings: Snow

Place of Birth: Ladysmith, Québec

Background: I'm "Kahn the Barbarian" because of my ability to overcome most limitations. I'm an incredibly strong and determined sled dog and a true Seppala Siberian legend at Indian Lake. I'm capable of pulling a full sled by myself. Some say I'm missing a few tools in my equipment bag… but I say woof woof to them.


Eyes: Blue                   Build: Medium

Weight: 60 lbs             Position: Mid

Parents: Mindu & Shilo

Siblings: Kovu, Sempi, Zani, Akai

Place of Birth: Ladysmith, Québec

Background: I have been very blessed to be part of such wonderful company. My kennel mates really know how to have a good time and set the standard for those puppies. I look forward to being a leader in their eyes and that of my pack. I enjoy meeting new people.


Eyes: Brown                   Build: Medium

Weight: 60 lbs             Position: Mid

Parents: Mindu & Shilo

Siblings: Jesu, Sempi, Zani, Akai

Place of Birth: Ladysmith, Québec